April 8, 2018

Breast Enhancement or Augmentation

Also known as mammoplasty, Patients seeking breast augmentation have been reported as being usually younger, healthier, from higher socio-economic status, and more often married with children than the population at large. Many of these patients have reported greater distress about their appearance in a variety of situations, and have endured teasing about their appearance. Studies have identified a pattern (shared by many cosmetic surgery procedures) that suggest women who undergo breast implantation are slightly more likely to have undergone psychotherapy, have low levels of self-esteem, and have higher prevalence of depression, suicide attempts, and mental illness (including body dysmorphia) as compared to the general population. Post-operative surveys on mental health and quality of life issues have reported improvement on a number of dimensions including: physical health, physical appearance, social life, self confidence, self esteem, and sexual function. Longer term follow-up suggests these improvements may be transitory, with the exception of body esteem related to sexual attractiveness. Most patients report being satisfied long-term with their implants even when they have required re-operation for complications or aesthetic reasons.

1What is the cause of sagging of my breast.

2Is it right for me.

3How will the surgery be done.

4Will I have to get admitted for surgery.

5What can be the complications of surgery

6Will I be able to breast feed my child after surgery.

7Will I get a feeling that something artificial thing has been placed in my breast.

8Can the other person make out that I had underwent a surgery on my breast.

9How much will it cost.

10How long will the results last.


1.Breast sagging is due to loss of skin elasticity which may result due to pregnancy,breast feeding,weight fluctuations,aging gravity and heredity.

2It is a highly indivisualized procedure and the surgeon will evaluate according to your requirements and whether those can be fulfilled or not.

3There are four approaches of performing the surgery.These are transaxillary,periareolar, inframamarry and transumbilical

4This is an outpatient procedure and u don’t need to get admitted for it.

5There can be many complications of surgery like unfavourable scarring,infection,bleeding,poor healing of lesions,change in sensation,damage to deeper structures,allergy to material etc

6Yes you can breast feed your child but after 20 days.

7In the initial days you might get a feeling but later on it will be fine.

8No,the other person wont be able to distinguish your original breast from  implanted breast.

9It will depend on what implant you are using,which company’s implant are you using and roughly ranging from 30000 to 60000.

10The results are permanent.

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Ichthyosis (ick-thee-OH-sis) is a skin disease that causes extremely dry, thick, and scaly skin resembles fish scales.

These are a heterogeneous group of disorders with both inherited and acquired forms. these are the types
Ichthyosis Vulgaris- Most common type of icthyosis Lamellar Ichthyosis- Lamellar ichthyosis is characterized by dark, plate (armor)-like scale. Epidermolytic Hyperkeratosis- characterized by generalized redness and fine white scale Congenital Ichthyosiform Erythroderma- newborn infant with ichthyosis who presented at birth with collodion baby appearance. X-linked Ichthyosis- due to a defect in the enzyme steroid sulfatase, affects males with generalized scaling that usually begins soon after birth.

Ichthyosis Treatment

Several hours each day may need to be devoted the skin if ichthyosis is present in an individual. Daily, a person will need to take a shower or a bath. The skin should be exfoliated on a daily basis, and moisturised well. Moisturising ointments or creams may need to be prescribed by a dermatologist for the individual. Oral retinoids can be prescribed to reduce scaling. If a secondary infection occurs on the skin, oral antibiotics will need to be prescribed. Tips that will help keep the skin looking and feeling its best include applying a good quality lotion within 3 minutes of bathing. Apply to wet skin to keep moisture trapped into the skin. Products that contain lactic acid, alpha hydroxy acids and urea will help to keep skin not only moisturised but also exfoliated. Rubbing a wet pumice stone over crusty scales on the skin can help to remove them. Should there be scales on the scalp, brushing wet hair gently will aid in removing the scales.  

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