1 What are the causes of hairfall.
2 Can the hairfall be prevented.
3 How can it be prevented.
4 How long will it take to stop hairfall.
5 Can the hairs come on a bald patch.
6 Is there any remedy if I am completely bald.
1 There are many causes of hairfall.The most common cause is genetic(Androgenetic Alopecia).Other causes are related to stress,hormonal imbalance,any major hospitilization or illness,anaemia(mostly in females),trichotillomania(self picking)autoimmune(Alopecia Areata),cosmetic use,etc
2 Yes the hairfall can be prevented.
3 The hairfall can be prevented with the regular use of medicines like biotin,finestride,topical minoxidil(2% ,5% and 10%)
4 Prevention of hairfall is a long process ,may take around 6months to 1 year
5 Yes the hairs can come on a bald patch. This is achieved by medicines as described above and the use of Intralesional steroid and Hair transplantation.
6 There is certainly a remedy if you are completely bald but it is a costly procedure.The procedure is known as Biohair transplantation.