Radiofrequency is an electromagnetic wave that was initially used for treating periorbital wrinkles, rhytids and skin laxity . Today, RF is extensively used for body contouring, skin tightening and cellulite reduction.
Radiofrequency is commonly used for increasing deeper skin temperature without any epidermal or dermal ablation. It is not only used as an efficient method for contracting or inducing skin tightening but also as an effective method for reducing fat in repetition. However, there is no standard protocol for treatment time with RF, and the range of therapeutic sessions were widespread between 1 and 24 weeks .
Radiofrequency generates heat in different tissues by transforming energy through three basic mechanisms from electromagnetic field. These mechanisms include (i) orientation of electric dipoles that already exists in the atoms and molecules in the tissue; (ii) polarization of atoms and molecules to produce dipole moments; and (iii) displacement of conduction electrons and ions in the tissue. The frequency of an RF device ranges between 3 kHz and 24 GHz, and the monopolar and the bipolar configuration are used. The positive effects remained at least for six months after treatment.

RF is a safe and relatively effective method for improving skin appearance and decreasing subcutaneous fat, especially in the abdomen and thighs. In addition, safety and relatively lower time for applying the modality are important advantages.Our exclusive clients booked for slimming and Body sculpting have enjoyed circumferential losses from 1.5 inches to 6 inches.

Our Commitment to Safety

RF is very safe, effective, virtually painless and have no downtime. You can join daily activities immediately following treatment. It will help you achieve a toned, contoured and well shaped body; making you feel youthful and Confident. In addition it can reduce Cellulite, improve skin texture, skin tightening and overall health.

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