Melasma is characterized by brown patches typically on the malar prominences and forehead.There are three clinical patterns centrofacial ,malar and mandibular.It tends to affect darker-complexioned individual.
1What is the reason for this pigmentation.
2Can it be cured fully.
3How much time will it take.
4What precautions do I have to take apart from treatment.
5Is it related to pregnancy.
6Are there any precautions which I can take during pregnancy to avoid this pigmentation.
1Sunexposure is the most important reason for causing this pigmentation apart from hormonal and genetic influences.Some precipitating factors are birth control pills ,estrogen replacement therapy,mild ovarian or thyroid dysfunction,ovarian tumors,cosmetics,nutrition,phototoxic and photo allergic medications,photo toxic drugs and medications for epilepsy.
2Melasma of pregnancy clears fully within a few months after delivery.Melasma due to other reasons also do clear by the use of medicines,peeling and lasers but there are high chances of recurrence.
3It depends on the treatment you are taking.Peelings and lasers con clear it in a less time but medicines mat take a bit longer.
4Avoid sunexposure and use of sunscreens while going out in sun.
5Yes it may be related to pregnancy but there are other causes too.
6Proper hormonal assessment can be done and sunscreens should be use