Spider veins look like the thin legs of a spider are closer to the surface of the skin and are much smaller and shorter, red, purple, and blue in colour found commonly on the lower body or face.
As our circulatory system comprises of Arteries, which carries blood to the different parts of the body in term of nutrition, & Veins which carries blood back to the heart for excretion. Arteries & Veins have got network all over the body big vessels inside & fine vessels over the skin. Veins contains valves to prevent back flow of the blood. Because of ageing, valves inside the veins can become weaker & are no longer as efficient at keeping the blood moving forward, and that can cause backups that allow blood to collect in certain areas of the vein. When this happens in the veins just under the skin, spider veins are the result.
Excessive sun exposure, Hormonal imbalances, Vein injury and genetic disposition are the other causes for valve incompetency in spider veins. Treatments
Support stockings / Lifestyle change / Sclerotherapy / Endovenous laser treatment / Radiofrequency occlusion / Surgery / Lasers and intense pulsed light are the some treatment modalities which is used in the treatment of Spider vein.